Romania – Bucharest

Center of Excellence


Rodica Anghel

Laurentia Nicoletta Gales

Associate Professor of Oncology

Department of Oncology at UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest

Senior medical oncologist and radiotherapy specialist

Oncological Institute “Prof Dr Al Trestioreanu” Bucharest

Dr. Laurentia Gales graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Ovidius Constanta University in 1995.

Since 2003 he has been an oncologist at the “Prof Dr Al Trestioreanu” Oncology Institute in Bucharest and a professor at the Department of Oncology at the UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest.

Dr. Laurentia Gales is the author of 23 chapters in six books or specialized monographs and numerous articles published in specialized journals or specialist conferences. He is involved in clinical research, being investigator in more than 30 clinical trials, having breast cancer, colorectal, prostate and malignant melanoma as major points of interest. It is also involved in fundamental research projects funded by the Ministry of Research or other European projects on topics such as tumor stem cells, innovative therapies (Boron Neutron Capture Therapy), and medical education for screening in major cancers.

Associated Center – Constanta

Dr. Laura Mazilu

is a senior medical oncologist, Associate Professor of Oncology at the „Ovidius” University of Constanta, and Head of Oncology Department at the Clinical Emergency Hospital of Constanta.

Dr. Mazilu has graduated the Faculty of Medicine at “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Bucharest. She has completed her doctoral studies at the “Ovidius” University of Constanta.

Dr. Mazilu is member of various national and international professional societies: ESMO, EACPR, ACCA, HFA, ERS, and SRP.

She has participated as principal investigator or subinvestigator in more than 30 multicentric international studies, in NSCLC/SCLC, malignant melanoma, gynaecological cancers, and digestive cancers.

Also, Dr. Mazilu’s activity has led to the publication of her research, of more than 150 articles, in extenso or summarized, in numerous international and national publications, many of them also being presented at major international congresses.

Associated Center – Timisoara

Daniela Elvira Sirbu

is a medical oncologist at Oncohelp Oncology Center in Timisoara, Romania. Dr. Sirbu graduated from the ,,Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara, received her medical oncologist and palliative care licenses in 2003 and 2005, respectively.

Dr. Sirbu is a cofounder of the Oncohelp Association, an organization that hosts and manages one of the the most important oncology and radiotherapy centers in Western Romania. Beside her clinical duties, she is actively involved in medical oncology and palliative care postgraduate teaching.

Dr. Sirbu is an active ESMO member since 2002, has been ESMO certified since 2006 and is an active member of the Romanian National Association for Palliative Care.

Dr. Sirbu’s major interest is focused on the clinical and palliative management of breast and lung cancer. Principal investigator in over 10 multinational clinical trials, she has been actively involved in both new drug development and academic oncology research.